After inspecting her paws; in between her pads, checking for any mud clumped lumps seeds, twigs or berries caught in her darling hairy feet, and feeling all around her paw pads and as thoroughly I could (or so I thought).
I asked her 'what is causing you to limp?
'“It isn't the front, its the back” she conveyed.
Momentarily mystified, I puzzled that maybe she had pulled a muscle in her heel or ankle area (relatively). But then the penny dropped.
If we hold up our hand, we consider the palm the 'front', and the reverse of our hand the 'back'.
And so I then went to inspect the top of her paw. And yes, the sweetheart had somehow caught her 'cuticle' at the rim of her claw, on the back of her paw, in a small area I had missed locating. Though thankfully not seriously.
After gently bathing in warm salt water, lots of love, & rest, she soon though was walking fine again.