Why Learn Remotely?
Animals rarely look at us face to face for more than a moment or two at any one time when we are physically with them. So the reality of 'having to have a live animal with you so to learn & practise AC', is that the animal - unless asleep-, will very likely be moving/moving around, investigating their environment, playing with toys/companions, grooming, &/or all manner of other lovely activiites which their physicality or species dictates. And until one is certain of achieving optimal focus around live animals & people, practising remotely is most assisting to evolving ones ability.
Quietening the mind (for most people) is key. Quietening the mind & not being interrupted by physical distraction/interaction when you start to relay a received intuitive response greatly assists your practise & ultimately your confidence.
Enhanced focus can enable far greater detail of information to be noted.
Gaining confidence in your ability is to do so steadily. Learning a rounded approach gaining awareness of various techniques is just as important as practise on a basic level.
There are numerous occasions you may wish to connect with your animal companion when they are not in immediate proximity:
- Whilst you out/returning at unanticipated times
- Staying overnight/holidays away
- During their kennel or vet appointments
- Before you approach them physcially
- When you have retired to bed but still wish to enquire of an issue
- When they are sleeping out of sight.
Connecting with loved animals in spirit, can only be achieved, of course, by remote AC. Whilst this aspect of AC, initially for some, can appear daunting, most animal lovers once confident in their ability, relish the reality of acknowledging connection with a loved animal passed.
Telepathic communication, literally is communication over distance.Those wishing to focus primarily on 'in person' interactions may like to reconsider telepathys true potential.
Ulitimately, as MUCH as we love being with animals, it truly makes sense to firstly learn & practise the art of telepathic communication, remotely, before relying only on AC with animals by our side.